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end-to-end solutions to accelerate your business


IBM MAXIMO solutions

IBM MAXIMO lets you manage physical assets on a common platform, on premises or in the cloud.

JFC has been working with MAXIMO since the beginning in 1996. Today we’re helping clients discover the benefits of MAXIMO, upgrade to the latest version, and integrate IoT, AI and mobile technologies. Our technical expertise and on the ground experience help streamline the experience and minimize downtime, making your organization more efficient and productive sooner. We offer a complete solution, including:

  • Implementation

  • Hosting

  • Upgrades

  • Reporting

  • Cognos Analytics for Business Intelligence and Data Visualization

  • Training

  • Site improvement analysis

  • Annual Support and Maintenance Plan Packages

Asset management solutions

We are a complete asset management company. Our experienced consultants help you with everything from data collection, developing preventative maintenance programs, to developing asset hierarchies. Our goal is always to help your organization become more efficient and productive.

Our asset management solutions include:

  • Gap Analysis

  • Site surveys and asset data collection

  • Asset condition assessments

  • Asset photographing and barcoding

  • Job Plan development

  • Preventative maintenance planning and development

  • Asset and Location Hierarchy Building

  • BIM Integration and As Maintained Model best practice recommendations

  • GIS Integration for Permitting


Consulting services

Every client is a partner. Our job is to stay current with the latest technologies and advances, so we can provide the insight and solutions to help you achieve your unique goals under your unique conditions.

  • Business process review and development

  • Asset Management Plan development

  • MAP 21 Compliance - Asset Management Plans

  • Site assessments

  • Key performance indicators

  • Data migrations

  • Data validating

  • Enterprise reports

  • GIS integration

  • BIM integration and As Maintained Model best practice considerations

  • Work Permits and Permitting in Maximo & EAM Set-up

  • E-Learning

  • Custom applications

  • Real-time application integration

  • Coaching and knowledge transfer


Mobile solutions

Mobile capability is becoming more important every day. JFC helps you quickly develop robust mobile implementations by focusing on process first.

We offer:

  • Business process review for mobile readiness

  • Mobile device implementation strategies

  • Full service mobile project implementations

  • Barcoding strategies

  • Custom-built mobile products and solutions

  • IBM MAXIMO Mobile

  • IBM MAXIMO Everyplace

  • IBM MAXIMO Anywhere

  • Prometheus Group Mobile Enterprise for Maximo (formerly DataSplice)

  • iMAXEAM MAXapps

Cloud Hosting and Managed Services

The Cloud has quickly become a cornerstone for modern EAM implementations. Cloud-based services provide easy scalability, more robust processing power, quicker time-to-operation, and better reliability. JFC creates unique cloud solutions for your specific needs, from small teams to enterprise-wide implementations.

We offer:

  • MAXIMO as a Service (MaaS)

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  • Cloud-managed services

  • Mobile cloud-based services



We tailor our training to your needs. Onsite or web-based, one-on-one or groups, individual units or company-wide, we help you quickly become more efficient and realize greater ROI with:

  • IBM MAXIMO onsite group training

  • IBM MAXIMO web-based training

  • IBM MAXIMO administrator training

  • IBM MAXIMO custom training manual development

  • IBM MAXIMO training manual (Spanish)


Drone Inspections

Drones have become a valuable tool to help inspect and survey assets and respond to emergencies. JFC has a FAA licensed drone pilot available to provide the services you need.





innovation with purpose

Our patented MAXIMO solutions


" We have used our decades of MAXIMO experience and deep technological capabilities to create proprietary solutions you won’t find anywhere else."

/  John Connell  /



A simple interface to visualize any object within IBM MAXIMO on a map. Simple drag and drop functionality with the added benefit of routing and reporting functionality


Are you currently using paper work orders in MAXIMO? MAXCOMP is a web-based IBM MAXIMO utility developed to aid end users in the completion of batches of work orders. When a work order is printed with a barcode, a simple scan into the utility allows users to complete the work order through this batch utility. The tool was designed for scanning larger volumes of work orders to aid in the completion process. Clients have achieved tremendous results with this utility, taking what used to be hours to manually complete, down to minutes. Seamlessly scanning work orders and batching to MAXIMO as .pdf files was added to the utility in 2020.


A utility designed to attach multiple files to an IBM MAXIMO record through the Attached Documents functionality. MaxMultidoc allows the end user to select multiple files and click a single button to add them in one session, eliminating the need to manually attach documents one at a time. End users responsible for attaching multiple records have achieved great success through the ability to streamline the attachment process.


Sophisticated system can be brought down by something as simple as a malfunctioning bolt. MaxTorque is an IoT based solution that uses Bluetooth technology to monitor and maintain proper bolt torque to help prevent costly failures and downtime.

How MaxTorque works:

  • Assets are tagged with a unique number, RFID and/or barcode

  • Torque is measured

  • Readings are transmitted to an app on an Android tablet

  • The tablet stores the data locally then transmits it to your MAXIMO system in the cloud

Examples of uses:

  • Fall protection hoists

  • Catenary mounting hardware bolts

  • Collector assembly mounts

  • All safety eye bolts

  • High voltage connecting bolts

  • Manhole covers

  • Engine head, cap screws connecting rod

  • Switch fixation bolts

  • Lugs nuts on heavy machinery


A utility developed to provide SMS alerts to individuals within your organization, eliminating the need for modem-based connections to the IBM MAXIMO Server. MaxSMS utilizes a Web Based API for the distribution of SMS alerts that are sent and managed through Escalation functions within the application. Alerts can be developed for a variety of different use cases and can be fully configured based on your organizations’ needs. 


AI enabled Speech Recognition for Maximo Work Orders.  Make reporting faster, safer and more complete.


An integration utility built to provide weather-based information directly within the IBM MAXIMO screens. Primarily used on the Start Center, the utility can be designed to operate in any application within IBM MAXIMO. The utility is designed to be used with the weather website of your choice.


A comprehensive mobile solution we developed specifically for airports. Capabilities include FAR 139 inspections, KPI's, new tickets and work-orders for all asset classes (airfield, facilities, maintenance and operations). The mobile solution provides end users a simple interface to visualize any asset / location within IBM MAXIMO on a map, create new tickets, collect images, bar-code validation, pm and route processing. Airport Operations, Security, firefighters, Emergency Responders, Duty Managers and Service Centers personnel may now use one application for managing service, emergency incidents and operations.


An IoT solution that uses Bluetooth technology to monitor and maintain assets under pressure. MaxPress helps you prevent failures by measuring, tracking and validating pressures, testing locations, and measuring temperatures remotely in real time and communicating results to your smartphone.


  • Easy to implement and use

  • Makes an immediate business impact

  • Measures pressures in seconds within .25% accuracy.

  • Adheres to Uniform Compliance Standards

  • Provides extensive Big Data analytics, reporting and pressure-date cycle tracking

  • Simultaneous real-time measurement (PSI) and temperature, data capture transmission

  • Automatic parsing of PASS (Approved) or FAIL (Disapproved) via real time communications - EMAIL and SMS notifications